3 Awesome Sites We Built in 2021 and 2 We’re Looking Forward to
2021 was… well a number of things, but it was a big year for us! We were very fortunate to work on a number of projects that we loved with creative, compassionate professionals who are genuinely making the world better with their presence. Here are a few of our favorites!
Full Circle Health & Wellness
Rooted, Healthy, Caring
Brooke is a psychotherapist running her clinic in Montpellier, Vermont. She had a Yahoo site, but she found her developer would take weeks or months to respond to basic requests. She had a clear vision for her site rooted in the symbolism of trees in forest. She wanted her site visitors to feel rooted, healthy and cared for.
We designed a new logo for Full Circle, and collaborated with Brooke in choosing her central image (a large tree with strong roots) to build her site around. The color palette was drawn from the colors in this image.
Child Development Partners
Compassionate, Friendly, Professional
Allison Andrews is a psychotherapist in Newton, Massachusetts. We helped her rescue her old site from SiteGator limbo where she was unable to update, or even access it. We moved her over to Squarespace and re-designed her site to better express her personality. We built a color palette she loves, and updated her fonts to something more modern.
Image of a therapist website design on laptop and optimized for mobile.
We designed Allison a new logo, and included a pathway to her password protected Client Portal.
Sovereign Heart Reiki
Healing, approachable
Ramona Sullivan (yes! she also does Reiki! Check out her practice here) wanted her site help newcomers to energy work understand the potential of this modality, without feeling intimidated by a new framework.
We worked intensively on the copy for this website. I think it came out fabulously! The image animations add depth and flow to the scroll while the fonts and colors are both modern and familiar.
A Mental Health Agency
Professional, knowledgeable, human
This is our second website for this client! She loved the first build we did for her and booked us right away for the start up project she was building. The startup isn’t launched yet, so this is an example site built with her actual project as a model. With this website we wanted to convey something a bit more business-y and professional than a standard therapist site, but with an added element of empathy and human vibrancy.
We built a color palette based on a pretty standard corporate website, but dialed up to 11, with brighter blues and deeper grays.
A Coach Site in the Works!
In 2021 we began work on this coach site. She is not ready to go live with it yet, so we made our own copy with her information removed, but we maintained the design feel we created for her.
This was a particularly exciting site for us to work on because we are big fans of this coach and her personality is so bold and her branding is well developed.
Bold, Vibrant, Modern
We wanted to create a site that reflected her warm personality and showcased her copy, which is very personal and conversational, and fits well with a story style website.
For this site we sourced an unconventional custom font that we all loved, and developed a color palette that is at once grounded and vibrant.
Which design is your favorite? Anything that sparks your creative flow? Get in touch with us if you think you would like to collaborate on your own website. Consultations are free my friend!
Hello, World!